Fine tuning FS

During the flight I mentioned in my last entry, I realised that I had forgotten to install and setup some stuff. So I installed them today. These were:

  • Service Pack 3 for the Flight 1 ATR 72
  • Latest navitational database for the ATR 72, available from

I also had to set up my microphone. It wasn’t easy. Windows 7 detects two microphones for some reason. I had to disable the first one in the list. Furthermore I had to increase the volume to 100% and boost to +20.0 dB (66%). We tested the microphone with a fellow pilot so now it should be ok. 🙂 By the way, it was the same pilot as yesterday, let’s call him BCY007 Lotfi 😉

The engines were too loud, so I changed the sound settings as well. First in the ATR 72 configurator. Ambient sounds are set to 50%, everything else is set to 90%. Unfortunately, I cannot hear some less important sounds using these settings, but I cannot set the ambient sounds higher to 50%, otherwise I get a terrible noise in the cockpit.

I have also changed the Flight Simulator sound settings as follows: 2, 30, 20, 10, 80, 80. As you see I have set the engines to very low. Now it’s fine. I can still hear them so I notice how the engines react on changing the throttle.

Finally I did a short flight from EIDW (Dublin) to EINN (Shannon), and everything went fine.