
I thought it was time to move to IPv6. And I did:

robi@akari:~$ ping6 -c 1 ipv6.google.com
PING ipv6.google.com(2001:4860:0:1001::68) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2001:4860:0:1001::68: icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=237 ms

--- ipv6.google.com ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 237.123/237.123/237.123/0.000 ms

I configured the router using this document: OpenWrt IPv6 howto.

No configuration were needed on the client side. We have linuces: Ubuntu 8.04 and Debian lenny, and they work out of the box.

Converting bin to iso without a cue file.

For the records…
Put this into a cue file, and you’re done.

FILE ”BinFileName.bin” BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00

And people, please… start using standard formats… and guess what iso stands for… 😉

Happy New Year

It’s happy, it’s new and it’s year. Otherwise it’s just like 2007.

vanyi.org reorganisation

Nothing seems to be happening around vanyi.org these days. On one hand I was busy with other stuff and on the other hand I was working in the background. As soon as I have some time I will reorganise vanyi.org as follows:

  • My blog will be moved from (www.)vanyi.org to robert.vanyi.org
  • The main page in its current form will cease to exist, a more static page will replace it with the following content:
    1. Short family history (similar to the current family history page)
    2. Links to homepages of Vanyis known to me (registration is open!). Small pictures with some data
    3. Links to other important (Vanyi related) pages
  • The already existing genealogy.vanyi.org will be ported to a new wiki engine, and further family history entries will be hosted there
  • I will create a syndicated blog on planet.vanyi.org for family members who have RSS enabled blogs. It is also open for registration.
  • I don’t know what to do with the forum, but I would like to keep it.

Stay tuned.

Play Ogg

The reason why I’m picky about mp3 players is that I want to be able to

Play Ogg

Status report

I was very busy… again… 🙂

Just for the records: both of us have found jobs, we are software engineers. Nelli works at Nortel, and I work at Hewlett-Packard as a contractor employed by Multiflex Ltd. People often say that Java and C# is the future, C++ is dead, C++ is too high-level (compared to C), C++ is too low-level (compared to Java and C#), C++ programmers are not needed anymore, etc. Well, both of us work as C++ programmers, so the only thing I can say is 😛

Pictures of the apartment

We made some pictures of the apartment as well:

The kitchen. Two part owen, built-in dishwaser (bottom right of the gas cooker), a built-in fridge and a freezer:

The living room, with nice view, empty mugs, and some cookie leftovers:

The terrace, which is accessible from the living room, and from where we can see the sunset:

The lawn between the two buildings with a pedestrian roubdabout (it can be seen from Google Earth), and the Corsa is also parking there:

The toilet is not made of gold here either. Besides there is the shower. It opens to our bedroom, so absolutely private:

There are not many things in the bedroom, eg. a bed, and a nice view:


On Saturday we took the car and made a trip around Lake Corrib. It was very nice. Some pictures:

A national heritage site with Nelli in the foreground:

Lake Corrib in the background, I’m in the foreground with my smile:

Another small lake we saw on our way on the road heading Clifden:

Another small lake after leaving the main road:

Nelli in County Galway, I in County Mayo:

The border river goes towards County Galway:

Some pictures

We still have no internet, but I wanted to post some pictures.

We were moving out of the hostel, moving to the apartment, and it was sunset:


On the ground floor left of the front door there are two apartments. Ours is the one on the corner, the Sun is just shining to the terrace:

What we can see from the window:

We had also a walk in the city. As we go through the gates, we can see this on the left:
view to the sea

On the other side of the road there is a large park. There people play soccer, rugby, etc.:

At the end of the road there is the bay, I have no good pictures, but there are cows::

Latest news

On August 18, 2007 Nelli and I left Hungary. We are moving to Ireland to work and live there for a while. The log of this trip will be posted to this site under the Ireland topic, but mostly in Hungarian. A magyar zaszlora kell kattintani 😉